Monday Mutterings: Labor Day

September 04, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Labor Day, what exactly is this holiday about?! Most people know its the holiday where we get a monday off at the end of summer. Well according to the Department of Labor's History of Labor Day webpage: "Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country." So in other words it is the celebration of all the hard work we put into making this country what it is. Although it isn't related to working a job, this year I can't think of a better representation of that hard working, let's get the job done spirit than the response to Hurricane Harvey. If you have been on social media at all you have seen the countless posts of American citizens rushing to the aid of one another following the hit from Hurricane Harvey. I have seen posts of groups heading down with their personal watercrafts to help those stranded in the flooding waters. I have seen posts of linemen and all kinds of workers heading down to try and bring back some essentials for those that have lost everything. I have seen posts of companies and individuals jumping to donate anything that would be helpful to those that have lost everything. What I have seen, what all of us have seen if we take a minute to notice, is that although we may not agree with each other's personal or political views when push comes to shove we take care of one another. And that is what our country is all about! While we all have our differences we come together when it really matters. I hope all of you have a good Labor Day!


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