Monday Mutterings: Fur Rondy Snow Sculptures 2023

March 13, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

Every year the city of Anchorage hosts a wild and crazy celebration in late February called the "Fur Rendezvous" or Fur Rondy for those that are local. This celebration has some of the craziest activities to include; A fat bike ride through Anchorage, the Frostbite Footrace, Sled dog races, Snowshoe Softball, Outhouse races, and the Running of the Reindeer, just to name a few. But one of my favorite activities is the snow sculpture contest that is held every year. The contestants range from single contestants, families, companies, schools and teams and the results always amaze me! These contestants are given about a week to create art out of a block of snow. And works of art are exactly what they create!! Here are just a few of the final entries from the 2023 entries.













Nothing like a snow dragon defending a frozen castle!!



























Can anyone guess the theme of this sculpture?





























Not sure why the moose above was so angry looking, may his shoes were too tight?








































This one was my favorite. Seeing the attention to detail in this work was amazing. The picture to the left showed the backside of the sculpture. The one below shows the interior. The detail is amazing, even down to being able to see through the wings of the dragon and the fire pouring out at the knight. I really admire the work that is put into these works of art!!


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