Monday Mutterings: Glaciers, glaciers and watery animals!

September 11, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

So when we took the train to Whittier we caught a glacier cruise out of Whittier. We chose to go with Phillips Cruises & Tour's 26 Glacier Cruise. There are a couple of options in Whittier but after going on this cruise I will not be choosing any other. These guys were fabulous!! The ship itself was large, clean and comfortable. There are tables for everyone to sit at with windows going around 3/4 of the ship. The cruise left around lunch time and returned around 5pm. They provided a wonderful hot meal (our choices were Salmon chowder or Vegetable Chili) and included the main course, coleslaw, bread, crackers, fruit, candies. From the moment we pulled out of the harbor we were greeted with phenomenal views. Once we had pulled away from Whittier I was able to look back and you could see just how beautiful this small town is.

LM127LM127Whittier viewed from a cruise ship.

The town of Whittier is nestled up against Prince William Sound and has Whittier glacier hanging out above it which creates these great waterfalls that cascade down into the town. You can see the tall building in the picture, that is not a hotel or resort but rather the home of most of the just over 200 residents of this quaint town.  Once we headed out further into the sound there were opportunities to see glacier after glacier on both sides of the boat. We saw multiple types of glaciers, to include; mountain, piedmont, hanging, and tidewater. Each brought their own beauty.

L212L212Barry Glacier in Chugach Mountains.






Barry Glacier, a tidewater glacier, in the Chugach Mountains. We were lucky enough to watch this particular glacier calve.









L207L207A hanging glacier found in the Chugach Mountains.





A hanging glacier in the same bay a Barry Glacier. I loved not only the glacier but the multiple waterfalls.









L206L206A tidewater glacier in Prince William Sound.





Another tidewater glacier that was stunning!









Along with the glaciers were were given the opportunity to see multiple marine animals that can sometimes be hard to find close to civilization. We were lucky enough to see Sea Lions, Harbor Seals and Otters.

SC102SC102A sealion haulout on Prince William Sound.






Sea Lions halled out on a rock to do some sunning.









SC110SC110Seals sunning themselves next to Barry Glacier.





Harbor seals halled out on icebergs to do a little sunning below Barry Glacier.









SC109SC109A couple of otters playing together.




Sea otters taking a rest from all the rough housing they were doing.



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