Monday Mutterings: Roadside Coral

February 13, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

The weather here has been full of ups and downs and in January we received an almost record breaking snowfall for the month. We usually hold well below freezing for most of winter but recently we have come close to if not hovering right at freezing point, which causes havoc for driving as the snow melts and then refreezes into crazy sheets of ice. Another effect of this is on the sides of the roads, all of the snow we received gets plowed off to the sides in these massive piles. Now within these piles of snow there is also a good amount of gravel that has been laid down to help with traction. This combination can create a unique formation, when the conditions are right.

IF103IF103Crazy roadside formations. The gravel takes in what little warmth that the sunshine provides us and causes the snow to melt and create these unique formations along the side of road. Because of the gravel taking in that warmth the piles of snow soon resemble something much more oceanic. My family decided it looked like a coral reef alongside the road.

FF110FF110Roadside Coral So when your stopped at a light or sign take a minute and look at the side of the road, you may be surprised by the intriguing designs that are awaiting you there.


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