Monday Mutterings: Midwinter Drive

February 12, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

I don't know if I have made it known yet but I love Alaska. I love it during the summer with its abundance of sunlight, fish, flowers, wildlife and brilliant green mountains rising up out of the most beautiful blue waters of glacial lakes and oceans. The problem with her summers is that they last only a short few months and then she dives back into her cold, often colorless world. Alaska is easy to love in the summer but to truly love her you have to love her in the winter as much as, or close to as much as, you love her summers. I love taking long drives around the area and so this weekend I headed out and took a drive down the Seward Highway along the Turnagain Arm, just south of Anchorage. During the winter the only colors you generally see along the road is white, grey and browns. Browns you see in the bare trees and bushes that line the road and offer the promise of stunning foliage in the autumn.  The grey is for the slate grey rocks and cliffs that line the road. These often offer spectacular little waterfalls during the spring and summer. During the winter they turn into these naturally made ice sculptures that range from white to the beautiful glacier blue and decorate the Seward Highway throughout much of the winter.

IF119IF119Frozen waterfalls along the Seward Highway.

Although the highway may have few colors to brighten the view those few colors still offer stunning views, and if you are lucky the scenery will be decorated with wildlife.

A153A153Sheep along the Seward Highway.



















We were lucky enough to spy some sheep among the cliffs along the highway. This is not always an easy task as the cliffs are dotted with snow, which makes finding the white sheep a bit difficult, you sometimes have to watch to see if the piles of snow make any movement. All in all our short drive down the Seward Highway was very rewarding. I can't wait for our next adventure!


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