Monday Mutterings: Moose ManiaI love moose! I adore how completely gangly they look with their massive main body, long spindly legs, oddly large head and radar dish like ears. Add to this a bull moose's antlers that can reach the spectacular width of over 5 feet and you have something that doesn't look like it should be able to walk let along thrive in the wild.
Moose range from the northern part of the lower 48 states all the way up to Alaska. While their Canadian and lower48 cousins are impressive specimens we grow them the largest in Alaska. To fully understand their size one needs to see them up close to something familiar; like a small suv whose roof was almost level with the underbelly of a moose I saw when I first moved up here, or when you go to walk out your back door and come belly to head with another awe inspiring creature.
If you ask most Alaskans they probably have some crazy story about an encounter with these awkward looking animals. I use to find one in my backyard on a pretty regular basis when I lived in Fairbanks and always found it surprising to look down from my second story bedroom window and find a large nosed moose looking up at me from not far under my window. I had never really paid much attention to the moose before we moved to Alaska but they quickly worked their way into my heart. For the most part they will avoid human contact but don't be pacified by their gawkiness, if they feel threatened they will defend themselves and most definitely will defend their young. And unlike bears who will move on once they feel the danger has passed, moose move on once they feel better so it is best to avoid inciting trouble with them. If they have young ones with them, GIVE THEM SPACE.
My favorite rule of thumb is to keep something in between me and the family (my car door, my car, windows, trees, etc). Pay attention to their ears! Moose show alot of emotion through their ears. If you have ever handled horses they are very similiar in this aspect. If the moose's ears are forward or just aimlessly moving around they are calm and keeping an eye out. If their ears flatten onto their heads then it is time to vacate the premises!
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