Monday Mutterings: Visiting Alaska in the winter

February 27, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

This last week I was lucky enough to have my sister and niece come and visit me, which I was stoked about. She has never been to Alaska and I wanted to make it a great experience (secretly I wanted her to love it so much she wants to move here but I will be satisfied with her just wanting to return often).  My dilema was that she is coming to visit me at the end of February, in the dead of an Alaskan winter. Depending on the weather it can be a challenge to get out and truly experience Alaska, especially since my niece is a toddler. So this had me me really scratching my head.  Thankfully I asked her what she wanted to do and see and she gave me a list to get me started; see the aurora, and a glacier. Things that can be easily seen, even in the middle of winter. So I planned a grand adventure, well as adventurous as a toddler will allow us. We took drives and looked at the landscape, ate Alaskan food(halibut and Bear Creek Wine) and checked out must see places like the Alaskan Wildlife Conservation Center. This place is a great place to visit no matter what time of year you come to Alaska. If it is cold or rainy you can drive through the whole park and still be able to see most if not all the wildlife. If it is a nice day the walk around the park can be taken leisurely and is very easy to traverse for both the young and old. We were lucky enough to see all the animals, they were active and playful.  What it comes down to is this, no matter what time of year it is Alaskan can be a great adventure!! Check out the wildlife folders for more pictures of the animals.


B152B152Grizzlies playing around in the snow in the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center.


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