Just another crazy adventure

October 14, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

When you get a prediction for a fabulous Aurora night you generally plan on staying out all night to get the shots you want. My spouse and I have talked about taking our camper out on multiple occasions to allow us some freedom and warmth that just having a car does not. So when the opportunity presented itself yesterday, we jumped on it. We still have no snow, so the roads are clear but the evenings are getting very chilly so taking the camper would be fabulous as it is made for the harsher climate here. So we headed out to a local lake (reflections are still a possibility since nothing has frozen over) and enjoyed our evening of bbqing hot dogs and making s'mores. We loved watching our kids interact with each other and the nature around them. All was going well until we realized that our heater was broken in the camper, thankfully I am a boy scout and came prepared with multitudes of blankets but it still ended up being a very chilly and long night. While I didn't get the photos I was hoping for I did get the memories and those are worth more to me in the long run.


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